Welcome to GeorgiaTaxAppealInfo.com!
GeorgiaTaxAppealInfo.com (GTAI) is an information and educational website to help make Georgia real estate tax appeals easier to understand and less intimidating for Georgia property owners (including homeowners and real estate investors).
Hundreds of thousands of real estate property tax assessment notices throughout Georgia are issued each and every year by the tax assessor offices of Georgia’s 159 counties to every Georgia property owner. However, the vast majority of property owners have never filed a tax appeal because it is regarded by many citizens as an intimidating, complicated, or expensive process where the average citizen can never win.
Many people routinely disregard their assessment notices and likely pay more property taxes than they should. Many property owners wrongfully believe that whatever property tax bill that is issued to them, they cannot easily dispute or change it. That is frequently untrue. That is why Georgia has a well-defined written tax appeal process that every county tax assessors office must follow.
With the right information, knowledge, insights, and determination, the average citizen can navigate the tax appeal process and achieve good results on their annual tax bill by learning how to file their own tax appeals in the county where the property is located.
Matthew Chan, MBA
Real Estate Instructor / Broker
P.S. Watch my educational videos about the Georgia Property Tax Appeal Process on the “MattCOMMAND’s” YouTube Playlist.
P.P.S. Click Here if you want help on getting your 3-year GA property tax freeze!

Now Available on Amazon in Kindle eBook & Print Book Format!

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The ULTIMATE TAX FREEZE Master Course is coming soon in 2025! Find out more about this new Master Course!