The Chatham County Board of Assessors produced this animated video to explain the role of property assessors. It is a bit idealistic but generally describes what the property assessors do. In reality, the sausage-making process call the tax appeal process is somewhat messier & not always as nice as this video sounds. Few will admit it publicly, but political pressures do exist behind the scenes. However, the video is worth watching at least once if you are new to property tax appeals.
I wrote a book “TAX FREEZE: How to File & Win Property Taxes in Georgia” (available on Amazon) which will help you through your GA property tax appeals.
I launched a new YouTube channel called TAX FREEZE Command. You should subscribe to it to get my latest insights and information on GA property tax appeals and other tax matters.
I also have a playlist of YouTube videos for property owners to educate themselves about the GA property tax appeal process.