Having filed or consulted over 200 Georgia tax appeals across 6 counties for myself, my friends, and business associates and discussing tax appeals with property owners, this is where I see people seem get stuck and need help on.
- They don’t know how to find their county’s tax assessor website or find reliable information.
- They don’t know who to call for help.
- They don’t know how to look up their property records.
- They don’t know how to find or get a missing tax assessment notice.
- They don’t know how to find the correct version of the their county’s tax appeal form.
- They don’t know how to fill out the tax appeal form.
- They don’t know the value of their property.
- They don’t know the important deadlines of the tax appeal process.
- They don’t known what information to gather and assemble as evidence to support their tax appeal.
- They don’t know how to negotiate a settlement.
- They don’t know how or when a Board of Equalization hearing is scheduled.
- They don’t know what happens or how to prepare for a Board of Equalization hearing.

I wrote a book “TAX FREEZE: How to File & Win Property Taxes in Georgia” (available on Amazon) which will help you through you property tax appeals.
I launched a new YouTube channel called TAX FREEZE Command. You should subscribe to it to get my latest insights and information on GA property tax appeals and other tax matters.
I also have a playlist of YouTube videos for property owners to educate themselves about the GA property tax appeal process.